Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'll have the rest of my picks either tomorrow or Saturday. Last Week I was 10-6 bringing my total for three weeks at 28-20 not too shabby.

Baltimore (+3) at Cincinnati

Cincy's been up and down and I think Baltimore will be able to pound the ball tonight, They play better defense. I'm going with them.

Today I have a mini rant about the Baseball Hall of Fame voting. Everyone wants to moan and groan and preach morality. The writers that vote are already biased one way or another, They don't take the time to think about who they or their past predecessors have voted for. They have admitted racists and admitted cheaters. These things don't have to researched very hard to find examples. That's fine but it's a little late to try and play the moral high ground. You can't undo what's already been done.

Before Jackie Robinson, players weren't playing against the best players just the best white players. But everybody that's a baseball historian knows this and takes that into account when comparing players. I believe that's the way we should continue to do it. Or else we need to do a whole lot of house cleaning and find out if all the players lived up to this moral standard.

I just think when you start making moral judgments, you start getting into a lot of gray area. And any time you start talking morality in this country, you will probably offend half of the country and have half agree with you. I just don't think it's the kind of thing baseball writers should be deciding. If congress can't figure it out, why would baseball writers be able to?

The best thing about sports is that thier is no gray area. There's a winner. There's a loser.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sorry for missing the Thanksgiving day games but I was busy eating turkey, for the record I would have taken Miami, Dallas, and Denver 2-1. Last week started 8-3 but lost the last 5 to finish 8-8. Season as of 11/24 is 18-14. Shall we get to the picks?

Carolina (-4) at Washington

Jason Campbell's second start, will not be as impressive as his first start. Carolina should pound away with it's front four and push Campbell into obvious passing situations. Not good for a young QB, and with the running game limited I see no other way to go.

Pittsburgh (+3) at Baltimore

This one will be a fist fight. I like Baltimore in a close one. They just seem to have it. They win games they used to lose. Whether it's McNair or not I don't know. Pittsburgh seems to be in quicksand the more they struggle the deeper in the hole they get. They can't afford to get behind in this one.

New Orleans (+3) at Atlanta

Atlanta is coming off 3 bad performances, NO is coming off 2 disappointing losses. In a shootout I like NO, however Atlanta being at home I'm going to lay the points. It's probably time for Vick to look all world.

Jacksonville (-3) at Buffalo

Jacksonville outworked the NY Giants on Monday night in a game that was never close. I think they'll have a bit of the Monday night hangover. Take Buffalo at home

Arizona (+6.5) at Minnesota

Denny Green returns to Minnesota, I don't like the way Minnesota has been playing, I'm taking the points and I'll hoping to watch Arizona throw all day to their wonderful recievers.

Houston (+5) at NY Jets

I'm taking Houston and the points, The Jets gave away last week's game against the Bears. I don't think they'll be able to handle the Texans WR's, leaving open a possible huge game from the immortal Wali Lundy. The Jets will play hard but they aren't good enough to lay the points.

Cincinnati (-3) at Cleveland

Cleveland's three best corners won't play. Chad Johnson has back to back monster games. Not a recipe for success. Plus Rudi Johnson kills the Browns. Browns will give the effort however they just won't be as in to it as they were in that heart breaking loss to Pittsburgh.

San Francisco (+5) at St. Louis

Frank Gore with two huge games in a row. St Louis comes off two underwhelming performances. I'm going with the hotter team SF. The Rams have really missed an opprutunity to steal this division away from Seattle. Now it's SF's turn to see if they can get in position to steal.

Oakland (+13.5) at San Diego

I'm laying the points, I can't see Oakland stopping LT Express, I can't see them moving the ball any better. Phillip Rivers has been impressive as a first year starter. To think they probably don't regret letting Brees leave considering the season he's having

NY Giants (-3) at Tennessee

With the Giants all beat up I'm taking the Titans at home and the points. Travis Henry is playing great, and they really have seemed to find something going in the last few weeks both offensively and defensively.

Chicago (+3) at New England

I'm laying the points to Chicago and going with New England. New England has played in games like this for the last 5 years. This is still new to Rex Grossman and the Chicago Bears. I wouldn't be shocked if NE blows them out.

Philadelphia (+9) at Indianapolis

Jeff Garcia on the road, Philly can't stop the run, neither can Indy. But at least Indy will try. Peyton Manning will bounce back and put it on the Eagles. I'm laying the points.

Green Bay (+9.5) at Seattle

I'm taking Green Bay to cover, Seattle isn't playing well enough to lay the points. Green Bay seems to play hard every week. I'm impressed with the first incarnation of Mike McCarthy's team.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Last Week's results were 10-6, not too shabby onto this week's picks

Washington (+3) at Tampa Bay. Jason Campbell gets his first start, and it's against the immortal Bruce Gadkowski. I think TB plays better defense, their at home and their bad QB has more than one start. I'm taking TB.

Tennessee (+13) at Philadelphia. Tennessee to cover, they have been playing hard plus Travis Henry could be in for a big game running. 13 is too large a number with the inconsistent Eagles to lay.

St Louis (+6.5) at Carolina. I like St Louis to cover. Carolina allowed Tampa to hang around most of Monday night. I think it will be more of the same from the maddening Panthers.

Pittsburgh (-3.5) at Cleveland. The matchups are bad for Cleveland. Look for Pittsburgh to win huge. They'll be able to both run clock and take big chunks through the air. As long as they don't turn the ball over they win easily. Cleveland is just too undermanned.

Oakland (+10) at Kansas City. I look for a huge day for Larry Johnson as Trent Green returns and leads KC to an easy victory over the hapless Raiders let by either Aaron Brooks or Andrew Walter on the road. A recipe for disaster.

New England (-6) at Green Bay. New England should win easy, GB plays hard but it won't be enough as Tom Brady will prey on that weak secondary and spread GB's D with receivers all over the place.

Minnesota (+3.5) at Miami. I'm taking Miami, they are playing better, they are at home, and Joey Harrington seems to be throwing less interceptions than Brad Johnson. The world is upside down. Life in the NFL is unpredictable. Although I'm attempting the impossible.

Buffalo (+2.5) at Houston. JP Losman on the road. I think Houston's playing at a higher level. No Willis McGahee. I'm taking the Texans.

Chicago (-7) at New York. Chicago going for the Big Apple sweep. Since they put the better New York team last week. I'm not going against them. The jets need to at least run to have a shot. I just don't see it. Da Bears.

Cincinnati (+3) at New Orleans. Take the over. Wrong column. No defense will be played. Cincy's reeling but I'm just not a believer in the NO. Take the points and Cincy.

Atlanta (+4) at Baltimore. Baltimore just snuck by Tennessee, but at least they won. Atlanta couldn't handle a punchless Cleveland. I'm taking Baltimore by default. They should at least show up.

Detroit (+2) at Arizona. I can think of no good reason to take Arizona. Which means they'll probably win. They are due for a good performance. It's been a long time since they played well. Detroit.

Seattle (-4.5) at San Francisco. Shaun Alexander will be back. Matt Hasselbeck won't. Shouldn't matter. Seattle has found it's groove with Seneca Wallace. I 'm taking the Seahawks.

Indianapolis (-1) at Dallas. Another shootout, another win for Peyton Manning and the Colts. It should be entertaining. But the Colts match up well with the Cowboys. The '72 Dolphins will have to put the Champange on ice for another week.

San Diego (+1) at Denver. I'm taking Denver, they should be able to slow down LT this week, and make Phillip Rivers beat them. I don't think he can with Champ Bailey taking half the field away. As long as Jake Plummer doesn't give it away. Denver should be fine.

New York (3.5) at Jacksonville. I'm going with NYG. I don't like the way Jax has been playing. They play great defense but I think the Giants will score enough to win.

Monday, November 13, 2006

This week's Top 25 in the lates KS index

1. Ohio St
2. Michigan
3. Florida
4. USC
5. Notre Dame
6. Arkansas
7. Rutgers
8. Louisville
9. West Virginia
10. Boise St.
11. Texas
12. LSU
13. Wisconsin
14. Wake Forest
15. Oklahoma
16. Boston College
17. Auburn
18. California
19. Georgia Tech
20. Virginia Tech
21. Tennessee
22. Nebraska
23. BYU
24. Hawaii
25. Maryland

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Onto Week 10's match ups

Cleveland (+8) at Atlanta

I'm taking Atlanta, their run game will be too strong for the Browns front 7. Charlie Frye will make enough mistakes for the Falcons to win easily. An early turnover by Atlanta could allow Cleveland to hang around long enough to gain confidence and either score an upset or cover.

Houston(+10.5) at Jacksonville

I'm selecting Houston and the points, with Garrard getting his third start in a row. I think Jax will try to control the ball and salt the game away. Houston has proved this year they can score and usually give great effort. Remember they upset them in Houston earlier. Carr needs to protect the ball though or he could be looking over his shoulder.

Baltimore (-7) at Tennessee

I say give the points and take Baltimore. The offense looks better now that Billick has taken over and I think defensively Baltimore stops the run. Which means alot of Vince young dropping back, not a pretty thought considering the Ravens ballhawking secondary. The Ravens could play close to the vest and keep this a ballgame for 4 quarters.

Washington (+7) at Philadelphia

I like Philly coming off a bye week. Brunell's arm strentgh worries me. I think it's past time to play Jason Campbell. Portis could have a big day running though and make it hard on the Eagles.

New York (+10.5) at New England

I like the Jets to cover, New England will only do what is needed to win. They don't need any tricks, the powerful duo of Maroney and Dillon will be plenty as they keep the Jets in the game but not enough to be a threat. Chad Pennington will have to get hot for the Jets to win.

Green Bay (+5) at Minnesota

I'm taking Green Bay, Minnesota couldn't do anything well on offense the last two weeks. Brad Johnson appears to be on his last legs. While Green Bay plays hard every week and are in most games. Brett Farve could keep Minnesota in the game but I even like the Packers to win outright.

Kansas City (+1) at Miami

Huard vs Harrington, not exactly Marino vs Montana but both are better than expected. I'm taking KC to win outright as well. Larry Johnson is a beast, and frankly Miami is old on Defense. I'm guessing Huard will make less mistakes then Joey Harrington.

San Diego (-1) at Cincinnati

This should be a good old fashioned shootout. San Diego has the better defense, Cincy is at home. I'm taking SD, but I would stay as far from this game as I could.

San Francisco (+6) at Detroit

San Francisco, Detroit's not good enough to be giving 6 no matter where it's played. Should be close could go wither way. Kitna will throw for more yards but will make more mistakes.

Buffalo (+12.5) at Indianapolis

Indy in a walk. Manning is playing unbelievably and he'll work through the Buffalo D like a surgeon.

Denver (-9) at Oakland

Denver I don't think Oakland's offense can score on Denver's D in 10 quarters. Let alone score enough to beat the Broncos, plus Shanny loves to put in on Al Davis.

Dallas (-7) at Arizona

Dallas, Arizona is a mess. I think this will be high scoring affair. Dallas scoring more and winning rather easily.

New Orleans (+4.5) at Pittsburgh

I like Pittsburgh to get the win, The odds are in their favor. They can't be that this bad can they?

St Louis (+3) at Seattle

The Rams, The Seneca Wallace trains ends and the home crowd will be unable to stop it.

Chicago (+1) at New York

New York's all banged up, I'm going with Chicago. Rex Grossman won't play poorly two weeks in a row.

Tampa Bay (+9.5) at Carolina

Not much of contest. Carolina in a romp