Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'll have the rest of my picks either tomorrow or Saturday. Last Week I was 10-6 bringing my total for three weeks at 28-20 not too shabby.

Baltimore (+3) at Cincinnati

Cincy's been up and down and I think Baltimore will be able to pound the ball tonight, They play better defense. I'm going with them.

Today I have a mini rant about the Baseball Hall of Fame voting. Everyone wants to moan and groan and preach morality. The writers that vote are already biased one way or another, They don't take the time to think about who they or their past predecessors have voted for. They have admitted racists and admitted cheaters. These things don't have to researched very hard to find examples. That's fine but it's a little late to try and play the moral high ground. You can't undo what's already been done.

Before Jackie Robinson, players weren't playing against the best players just the best white players. But everybody that's a baseball historian knows this and takes that into account when comparing players. I believe that's the way we should continue to do it. Or else we need to do a whole lot of house cleaning and find out if all the players lived up to this moral standard.

I just think when you start making moral judgments, you start getting into a lot of gray area. And any time you start talking morality in this country, you will probably offend half of the country and have half agree with you. I just don't think it's the kind of thing baseball writers should be deciding. If congress can't figure it out, why would baseball writers be able to?

The best thing about sports is that thier is no gray area. There's a winner. There's a loser.


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