Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Just a Couple Things
A few thoughts have been rattling around my head this week. Today's big new is Braylon Edwards was traded to the NY Jets. As a few of you might know. My childhood team was the Browns. I have currently disowned them. This move should have been made in the off season. I was never really sold on Edwards, I like my diva receiver's to actually produce. Edwards was always, more potential than production sans 2006. I do think much like when Plaxico went to the Giants, NY could be the place for him. The Jets really didn't give up much on this reclamation project, and if it works. They can thank their former coach for both their franchise QB and Number 1 Receiver. That's a pretty nice parting gift.
Vikings-Packers tilt on Monday, was both entertaining and vindicating. See when he was signed, all the radio talk jocks were like this can't work. The Vikings are making a huge mistake. I heard tons of guys pan the move. I think these guys say a lot of things, most of which don't come true. The few things they get right we have to hear about. I think when they get something so incredibly wrong. they should say whoops. My Fault. Farve has them +2 on the season, wins they wouldn't have if Rosenfels or Jackson was their QB.
Why I love post season baseball, was on display last night. Twists and turns. An unbelievable game. BTW I predict Yankees over Phillies in 6.


Blogger Todd said...

Good point on Farve. I concur but, you can't play off Farve playing great in an emotionally charged game. He always plays well like that. He hasn't had to do a lot with Minny and their winning. Winning trumps everything.

October 07, 2009 9:48 PM  
Blogger kingofsmoke said...

that throw against the niners was pretty top notch.....

October 08, 2009 6:29 PM  

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